Information System Consultants

Development Information

Much of our time has been spent in developing solutions to business problems relating to managing information. Often this involves the use of Information Systems and associated technologies.

Frequently we find that 'off the shelf' solutions to business problems are not always available: when they are, clients frequently find they will enforce undesirable changes to the business, or include purchase of features that will never be used.
We have developed systems and applications for a diverse range of organisations and businesses. These have operated stand alone or (where required) interoperated with other systems, and have frequently been delivered on intranets.

Clients find these have revolutionised the way they perform, saving time and money and achieving critical business goals.
Examples of our developments include
  1. Contact Management System for local university
  2. Time Recording and Case Management System for large firm of solicitors
  3. Customer Care system for regional building services company
  4. Patient Management System for orthodontists practice

We have developed system solutions for all manner of business problems in all kinds of businesses. Some have been rich client applications while others have been solely web based.

Whatever the requirement, we will use agile philosophy and rapid application development techniques to build an effective system to meet your requirements.
We have created systems that:
  1. Operate stand alone or interact with other proprietary systems
  2. Interoperate with Microsoft products such as Outlook and Word
  3. Utilise new or existing relational databases
  4. Have been PC and/or web based
Tel: 01665 570784